The right chief of staff will transform your business.

Let’s face it, not everyone is cut out to be a Chief of Staff. This role takes agility, experience, insight, multifaceted skillsets, and unwavering dependability. Exceptional Chiefs of Staff are hard to find, but we’re building them every day!

Why us

The Chief of Staff Institute helps organizations develop strategies to optimize the Chief of Staff role within the organization. We also train and coach high-performing Chiefs of Staff to help teams deliver as much value to the team and the business as possible, as fast as possible.

Chiefs of Staff have led the military and the government for ages and now we’re bringing the same impact to businesses. Behind every top-performing executive or entrepreneur is the jet fuel supplied by their Chief of Staff. If you want to become a highly successful Chief of Staff, you must learn from the best and build very coveted skillsets to maximize the role.

Our coaching will inspire you to level up and achieve more success than you’ve ever imagined. Learn the tools, secrets, resources, and mentality the highest performing organizations in the world use to achieve greatness.

Executive Coaching

Our executive coaching is a one-on-one service that allows us to provide ongoing support for executives looking to fill or optimize their Chief of Staff role. Many organizational leaders acknowledge they need support, but aren’t sure how to find the right person and then “hand over the keys”. We can help hire, train, and optimize the Chief of Staff role in any organization to maximize executives’ benefits.


We are creating a community of Chiefs of Staff learning to sharpen their craft. Whether you are an aspiring or seasoned CoS, our Masterminds provide you with live coaching, resources and tools, and a community of support to be the best!

Podcasts & Speaking

If you are looking for inspiring speakers, we provide talks on a range of topics related to team structure, the Chief of Staff role, and how to empower your team to achieve greatness.

Let’s Work Together.

We are excited to connect to figure out how we can help you and your team.

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